you just can’t make this stuff up:

listening to a reggae-themed led zeppelin cover band with an elvis impersonator singer playing a cover of baba o’riley

Why are there only two people logged in on my buddy list, both on phones?

Great article about, well, a lot of things, all involving game design choice and intent:

Why didn’t anyone tell me this existed:


Finding it extremely difficult to concentrate on work today.

Sweet deal:

[nerd alert] why are the two barbershops in outland both in netherstorm?

i like when i click something on the forum, and it’s neat, and by the time i’m done looking at it, i think, i should post this on the forum

dinosaurs, sharks and explosions:

I quit ticket to ride. 135-12.

Wii fit in stock at Amazon

Making pizza.

Thanks, Toys R Us.…

Am really disappointed the art style on this game doesn’t match the box art:

#npd The PS3 is, i think, out of the race for second.

Walking in the falling snow = pleasant. Walking in the falling ice cold rain = not so much.

I’m going to finally finish beyond good and evil.

I am for once timely with news on Wii stuff

the Google street view van was very confused by the UPA parking lot.