I love the idea of Ask Me Anythings on reddit, but unfortunately, reading one involves using reddit’s godawful interface.
I love the idea of Ask Me Anythings on reddit, but unfortunately, reading one involves using reddit’s godawful interface.
Thanks, @KillScreenMag! t.co/fBjpH8Qc
Check out what eBay people have decided my sealed copies of Windows 3.1 are worth: t.co/vQDBh8Rk t.co/LzrMquuI One day left!
It’s super fun! Sorta Lumines-y. (RT @brandonnn iPhone/iPad people: RADBALLS is free until Xmas t.co/pxVklx0K)
What? @GoDaddy supports SOPA? Looks like that’s just the catalyst I need to transfer the rest of my domains to @Hover. t.co/CCsdicb4
I jokingly put a sealed copy of Windows 3.1 on five 3.5" floppy disks on eBay, and a bidding war has erupted. So far, $1.29 plus shipping.
In the grim future of 2021, there are no logos, only lines t.co/pw4breBQ
I will be in this #Turntablefm room for the next 57 minutes. Come listen and play. t.co/DEbR8DBv ♫♪
While walking dog, I saw an odd weed near a trash can and thought, “That looks out of place. I bet I can pick it for alchemy.” #Skyrim
Amazing/gross octopus video. t.co/5AO0fMbQ #fb
The saddest! #coneofshame #fb t.co/B5cRBl6b
Condo at the End of the World | The Verge t.co/d4BkP7op (via Instapaper) #fb
Dangerous Minds | Lemony Snicket’s 13 observations about Occupy Wall Street t.co/W0WOkcR8 (via Instapaper)
Finally, @panic’s masterwork is visible on my iPhone. t.co/iuHIvcLB
Leaked video of Paul Rudd using Siri: t.co/BCDuExWq
Latest episode of @ThisAmerLife is totally bananas - it just keeps going ever deeper, to another layer of madness. t.co/6fqyucQ8
Today shall now be known as Turntable Tuesday. #turntablefm t.co/NbJ1eHV
Card on my stoop. Mildly disconcerted. t.co/2RJw4lP
Less than 5 hours left to pay what you want for the Humble Indie Bundle #3! FUN VIDEO GAMES. t.co/VAIO5VB
When I say my birthday is Jan. 1, 1900, @Steam_Games should be like, “No fucking way! You’re 111! You should get free games!”
I am so sad this is a fake product. tumblr.com/xtr3qo8jc…