Observe the Fieldrunners 2 loading screen man. Tonight, and every subsequent night, he will invade your dreams. t.co/xDYHluJ3
Observe the Fieldrunners 2 loading screen man. Tonight, and every subsequent night, he will invade your dreams. t.co/xDYHluJ3
So I pretty much won Christmas @CAH. #nsfw t.co/gFETIcLR
Facebook friends! Look on my timeline, and tell me if something bad will happen in 2013. t.co/7zDY7fae Thanks!
I sure hope @gutefabrik releases that beta before Christmas. t.co/TcOVLGH1
Apparently, I am better at than @criscokid, @jamespauljordan and @brody at operating a plantation. #DubiousHonors t.co/5TUH8lhP
Attn. Lafayette nerds: Video Games Live tickets are now on sale. t.co/i9T4Ke0K
Turntable.fm. Remember that? t.co/DEbMB3AB
The asynchronous YOU DON’T KNOW JACK game from Facebook is now on iOS and it’s pretty goddamned great. t.co/buHtUfgo
Actual Far Cry 3 missions: -Hunt ostriches with a sniper rifle. -Hunt escaped rabid dogs with a rocket launcher.
FTL is $5 today only, straight from the developers, all platforms, DRM-free + Steam. You should probably buy it. t.co/fusu6PAB
A typo has made me promise to create something called The Tomorrow Burger. I don’t know what to put on it.
…Quaid… t.co/ycxJlvn3 …start the reactor…
Excellent article on Google Reader’s quietly awesome social network, which was subsumed and destroyed by Google+. t.co/BZ32Kj72
Why haven’t you backed SPORTSFRIENDS? Do you hate fun? t.co/T1MMX8v6
Not sure I want to eat this kind of club sandwich. t.co/Bs4xMbqj
As the show continued to be wildly popular in those early weeks, Lindelof says, “I was completely and totally creatively crippled by people saying two things: 1) ‘How are they going to keep this up?’ And I had no idea. 2) ‘They better have really satisfying answers to all these mysteries.’ And I was like, ‘We have satisfying answers for all the character ones.’”
Yeah, that pretty much sums up ‘Lost.’
The Kinect is at its best when you just use it to do dumb stuff instead of actually playing a game. t.co/Ye7uqcPk
Spelunky (XBLA) is half price this week. You should buy it. It’s fantastic. t.co/n88XmS13
A most concise spam. t.co/Jwd7iRdh
New Chrome extension automatically searches crazy e-mail forwards and provides the relevant Snopes/FactCheck/etc link. t.co/DKCjQ9Rp
The iPhone version of Ticket to Ride Europe is free today: t.co/AcnUGZWd
So basically Burn After Reading was a documentary. t.co/IhpqdQgd
Looks like someone… <sunglasses> needs to be quarantined. <YEAHHHHH> t.co/OxkWCUIm
Laundry + Ikea assembly + Return of the Jedi = Sunday. t.co/ngKmAa0s